(If you are already a member and need to renew your membership, please click HERE.)

There are two general classes of membership in Missouri Outdoor Communicators:

  1. Active Member - Individuals who meet the requirements for one of the membership categories below, or who meet the requirements in any combination of categories equal to full membership, are eligible in this category. There also are additional sub-categories within the Active Membership as outlined below. Annual dues for Active Members are $50.

    • Apprentice Active Members are those who express the goal of becoming Active members but do not yet meet membership criteria and who agree to work under the supervision of an Active member to accomplish that goal. Apprentice membership is limited to three years duration. 

    • Senior-Active Members are those who have been Active members for 20 years or have been Active members for 10 years and attained age 65. Senior-Active members are not required to maintain membership criteria, but enjoy all rights of Active members. 

    • Life Members are those Active members selected by unanimous vote of the Board to be granted this status because of long, loyal, and distinguished service to MOC. Life members are not required to meet membership criteria.

  2. Supporting Member - Individuals, organizations and firms with an interest in the outdoor field who support MOC’s programs and activities. Annual dues for Supporting Members are $150.

Member benefits include:

  • The opportunity to network with like-minded individuals that share the same passion for the outdoors and wildlife.

  • For Supporting Members, your products and press releases will be featured in a regularly distributed e-blast entitled "Supporting Member Spotlights" to help you promote your organization, products and efforts to MOC's Active Media Members.

  • Access to the MOC Membership Database containing names and contact information for all of our members.

  • Use of MOC logo or name on personal documents

  • Discounts with participating Supporting Members

To apply, please download the application form and instructions by clicking the "Apply Now" button below. Sponsorship by a current member of MOC is required. To locate a member in your area, or for more information, please e-mail Kyle Stewart at



MOC maintains 16 Active Membership categories. Application must be returned with proof of work, as listed below, to be considered. Materials submitted must have been produced for pay. The categories are:

  1. Newspaper staff writer/columnist/editor – 20 columns or stories published in the past 12 months. Submit two clippings or copies of clippings.

  2. Still photographer – 24 photos published in the past 12 months. Submit two clippings or copies of clippings.

  3. Illustrator/cartoonist/artist – 5 works in the past 12 months. Submit one clipping or copy.

  4. Motion picture/video/audio producer – Production of one original motion picture, video/audio tape or DVD in the past 12 months. Submit brochure, clipping of newspaper or magazine review or one sample.

  5. Broadcast communications – 60 minutes of original outdoor television programming or 20 original radio programs in the preceding 12 months. Submit a letter from station supervisor certifying requirements are met.

  6. Full-time magazine staff member – Submit masthead listing or letter from the editor.

  7. Freelance magazine writer and/or part-time staffer – 5 articles published in the past 12 months. Submit two clippings or copies of clippings.

  8. Book author/editor – Publication or completion of a book in the past 12 months. Submit proof of publication (book jacket, clippings of reviews, etc.) or letter from publisher attesting to release date and/or editor credentials.

  9. Lecturer – 18 lectures in the past 12 months. Submit printed program or letter(s) from those paying for lecture.

  10. Full-time information employee of government or nonprofit agency – Employment in categories 1 through 9 by a government agency or nonprofit organization. Submit letter from supervisor certifying employment and duties.

  11. Employee of outdoor-related industry, agency, etc. – Full-time individual service producing materials for media use for outdoor-related companies or services. Submit four samples of brochures, news releases, photographs, etc.

  12. Full-time educator/instructor – Full-time teacher or other educator whose subject matter includes nature, conservation or outdoor recreation subjects. Submit at least two lesson plans or letter from supervisor (principal, superintendent, dean, etc.) certifying subjects and amount of time involved.

  13. Internet communicator – Production of outdoor-related materials for Internet distribution. Submit web site URL.

  14. Apprentice Members - Those who express the goal of becoming Active members but do not yet meet membership criteria and who agree to work under the supervision of an Active member to accomplish that goal. Apprentice membership is limited to three years duration.

  15. Senior-Active members - Those who have been Active members for 20 years or have been Active members for 10 years and attained age 65. Senior-Active members are not required to maintain membership criteria, but enjoy all rights of Active members. 

  16. Life Members - Those Active members selected by unanimous vote of the Board to be granted this status because of long, loyal, and distinguished service to MOC. Life members are not required to meet membership criteria.